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The Equal Earth Physical Map is Free

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Cartographer Tom Patterson offers two public domain wall-sized maps that can be accessed for free: the Equal Earth Physical Map and the Equal Earth Political Map.  Both maps were created using the Equal Earth map projection depicts land masses and oceans at their true sizes relative to each other.

Both maps are wall-sized maps with the physical map measuring 55" wide x 30.3" tall (1.4 x 0.77 meters) and the political map measuring 55" wide x 29" tall (1.4 x 0.74 meters) and have a resolution of 350 DPI. With 2,600+ map labels on the political map and 300+ labels on the physical map, viewers have access to a wealth of geographic information.

Both maps have major lines of latitude and longitude labeled.

Equal Earth Physical Map

The Physical Map is natural world map focuses on physical features: terrain, rivers and lakes, vegetation, land cover, and the ocean floor.  While place names of countries and major cities are labeled on the map, the underlying physical features aren't interrupted by boundary lines.

The Equal Earth Physical Map is focused on highlighting topography and other natural features.
The Equal Earth Physical Map is focused on highlighting topography and other natural features.

Major lakes, rivers, and geological features are labeled. The high points of each U.S. state and country are labeled in meters. Waterways are labeled in blue for easy identification. Ridges and zones in the ocean are also labeled on the physical map.

Crop showing the ocean labels on the Equal Earth Physical Map.

The underlying topography is a shaded relief map so viewers can easily see where the terrain is mountainous versus flat. The legend at the bottoms lets users see the different biomes shaded on the map. Urban areas are not indicated on the physical map.

Equal Earth physical wall map.

The Equal Earth Physical Map has two different centers that are available: centered in Greenwich (0) and centered on Australia & East Asia (150E). The Greenwich centered map is available with either English or French labels. The Australia & East Asia centered map is only available with English labels.

Equal Earth Political Map

The Political Map is a world map that shows the boundaries of countries and has major cities labeled. Major waterways and ocean regions are also labeled in blue for easy identification. Major high points of mountains are also labeled with elevation in meters.

Crop of the Equal Earth political map showing U.S., Mexico, and Canada.

The political map has three different map centered options: Africa and Europe (0 – Greenwich), North and South America (90W), and E. Asia and Australia (150E). The Greenwich centered map offers label options for ten different languages. The North and South America centered map has English and Spanish labels available, and the East Asia and Australia map offers label options in English, Japanese, and Chinese.

How to Access the Equal Earth Map:

Users can get a high resolution JPG (350 DPI) for printing or a layered Adobe Illustrator CC file with raster terrain art for modifying the map.  Cartographers can also access terrain files in GeoTIF format  in both natural color and greyscale.

  • Equal Earth Physical Map
  • Equal Earth Political Map

Both the physical and political maps are in the public domain which means users can freely access and use them however they want to, including for commercial purposes.

See Also

  • The Equal Earth Map Projection
  • How to Use the Equal Earth Map Projection in Different GIS and Mapping Software Applications
  • How To Use the Equal Earth Projection With QGIS on the Mac

More Map Projections

  • The Spilhaus Endless Ocean Map Projection
  • The Map Projection of the United Nations' Flag
  • Cordiform: Heart-Shaped Map Projections

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